Friday, January 30, 2009

First one

Given that I seem to have a bit more time now, I have decided to follow the lead of a few good friends and start one of these bad boys. Maybe I'll actually see if performing a braindump in web form is therapeutic.

So, just a brief intro. I'm 7 weeks away from being 30 years old and I'm currently working for a Uranium company in Saskatoon. By profession I do Enterprise Resource Planning systems design and integration. Huh? I have a tough time explaining it so that's as far as I'll go for now.

As for the other stuff, well my time is spoken for by hockey teams, squash, and a local band I'm putzing around in. To answer the next question, keyboards.

I'm writing as I kill time at work for another hour before I hop a plane to Calgary for a weekend of visiting people. That's all for now, but I figure this is a decent start.


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