Hi all,
Went to Calgary over the weekend to check out The Killers on Sunday April 26th. They rocked the Saddledome. I'm sure that performance was much more enjoyable then the performance at the Saddledome the night after (ouch).
Interesting update, I gave notice to the current job last week without having anything lined up right after. A little scary, but I did give notice for the end of June. Gives me a little time.
I have always wondered about certain protocols in life that either should be established, or whether they are and I just don't know about them, or whether the protocol is disputed. I welcome all comments.
1. At what age does a woman become a "cougar". And is cougar an absolute or relative term. I mean, can a 19 year old boy call a hot 29 year old woman a cougar? If it's an absolute term, can I call a 32 year woman a cougar, even though I'm 30?
2 Speaking of which, is there an comparable term for older bar-star men? Male slang always enters the lexicon much quicker. Girls are much more secretive and subtle about this stuff. My guess: each group of girlfriends has their own unique term.
3. I'm sure most of us has gone through the first few birthdays after we became legal to drink. It is always an exercise in how drunk the birthday person can get, and how horrible the shooters are. My question is, at what age are you eligible to refuse certain shots on a birthday? For example, I refuse to drink tequila and at some point in time it stopped being bought for me on the birthday. Refusing tequila is not possible on a 19th or 20th b-day, but how long do you have to earn drinking cred before you can start refusing...
4. The "third date" rule. I've never been clear on what the actual rule is. I know that the third date is some standard that if "something" doesn't happen by the third date with a girl that it's time to cut-bait. What is that "something"? A kiss? Heavy-Petting? Full on monkey lovin in the back of a 1979 Cordoba station wagon? (On the Corinthian leather of course). I think a true standard should be established. It's really all too confusing, and gives me too much to think about. Especially on the third date. Maybe that's why I'm so distracted on the third date all the time?
These are types of thoughts that keep me busy when I'm sitting at home and the power goes out.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Trash Talking
Well, my favourite sports league (the NHL) is at it again. NHL VP Colin Campbell came out today warning Calgary and Chicago players about the amount of "chirping" or "trash-talking" going on at ice level. You mean to tell me that some pro hockey players may engage in trash-talking? That is just unconscionable. Hockey is a respectful game... please return to your running players from behind and punches to the face after every whistle.
Yes, that was snarky, but I'm illustrating a point about the NHL. The pundits (such as Don Cherry) in the league always like to talk about "respect" and a "code" and all that. However, nobody ever talks about what this "respect" in hockey is supposed to look like. Hockey is a contact sport, but people talk about respect when the team goon goes after an opposing player after a CLEAN hit. That makes no sense to me. To me, the most respectful thing a player can do in the NHL is let up when a player has his back turned or on a foot race for an icing. And, in most cases, the players do. Until the playoffs are at stake. If a team is down one goal with 5 minutes left in a playoff game, and you see a player let up when the opposing player is in a dangerous position please find me a youtube clip.
This brings me back to trash-talking and what the big deal is. Here's my opinion, and it's back to my general opinion that the NHL has a gigantic bug up its ass. In the NBA and NFL, trash-talking happens all the time. It is a tool some players use to try to get other's off their game or goad them into a stupid penalty. There is a youtube clip floating around with Ryan Kesler and Alex Burrows taunting David Backes with comments like "Kelly is a great girl, tell her I said hi" (Backes' wife is named Kelly). Harmless stuff meant to try to get players off their game. Sure, if a player crosses the line and makes a racist comment that's different. However, the comments about mothers, wives, etc... are common to the sport. Reg Dunlop's "Your wife is a D**e" taunts from "Slap Shot" are based on reality.
Shouldn't the NHL be worried about hits from behind and the endless skirmishes it seems after every whistle instead of Adam Burish making comments about Jarome Iginla's mother? God forbid that the NHL mimics some of the NBA and NFL. God forbid, the NHL may actually get a decent US television contract.
Anyways, keep enjoying the playoffs folks. Carolina and Jersey is turning into the series to watch.
Yes, that was snarky, but I'm illustrating a point about the NHL. The pundits (such as Don Cherry) in the league always like to talk about "respect" and a "code" and all that. However, nobody ever talks about what this "respect" in hockey is supposed to look like. Hockey is a contact sport, but people talk about respect when the team goon goes after an opposing player after a CLEAN hit. That makes no sense to me. To me, the most respectful thing a player can do in the NHL is let up when a player has his back turned or on a foot race for an icing. And, in most cases, the players do. Until the playoffs are at stake. If a team is down one goal with 5 minutes left in a playoff game, and you see a player let up when the opposing player is in a dangerous position please find me a youtube clip.
This brings me back to trash-talking and what the big deal is. Here's my opinion, and it's back to my general opinion that the NHL has a gigantic bug up its ass. In the NBA and NFL, trash-talking happens all the time. It is a tool some players use to try to get other's off their game or goad them into a stupid penalty. There is a youtube clip floating around with Ryan Kesler and Alex Burrows taunting David Backes with comments like "Kelly is a great girl, tell her I said hi" (Backes' wife is named Kelly). Harmless stuff meant to try to get players off their game. Sure, if a player crosses the line and makes a racist comment that's different. However, the comments about mothers, wives, etc... are common to the sport. Reg Dunlop's "Your wife is a D**e" taunts from "Slap Shot" are based on reality.
Shouldn't the NHL be worried about hits from behind and the endless skirmishes it seems after every whistle instead of Adam Burish making comments about Jarome Iginla's mother? God forbid that the NHL mimics some of the NBA and NFL. God forbid, the NHL may actually get a decent US television contract.
Anyways, keep enjoying the playoffs folks. Carolina and Jersey is turning into the series to watch.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Post-Easter update
Hopefully the trend from last night doesn't continue in the NHL playoffs, or my playoff pool team will be done very quickly.
Hope everyone had a great Easter. While most choose to spend Easter with family, I spent mine in Vegas. Best. Easter. Ever.

The above is one of the few pictures from the weekend that are appropriate to post to the public as I may consider running for public office someday. This is a picture taken from the top of the Hoover Dam. For those of you who don't know, the Hoover Dam was built to control the flow of the Colorado River, which is the border between Arizona and Nevada. I was actually doing the Homer Simpson "Arizona, Nevada, Arizona, Nevada" dance before I got punched in the face.
Anyways, the Hoover Dam also acts as a bridge and cars drive on top of the dam. The road to get to the damn from both the Nevada and Arizona side is windy and narrow. With Vegas growing so much recently, they had to do something to deal with the increased traffic flow around the dam. The picture above is the progress of what will the fourth largest arch bridge in the world that spans over the canyon. I'm not sure what was more impressive, this bridge or the dam itself. Both are some great feats of engineering.
I won't go into much detail about the trip, because it truly was a "what happens in Vegas" type of weekend. However, I did make some interesting observations.
One night the group ran into a couple of stagettes (or "hen" parties as some of the Yanks call them) back to back. The similarities in the groups were quite striking. Here are some of the characters:
1. The bride to be. She justs wants to drink and dance, and good for her.
2. The married but hiding the ring friend who is looking for that "what happens in Vegas weekend".
3. The happily married friend who wants to let her hair down and dance a bit, but that's all.
4. You have the other engaged friend who doesn't even want to look at another male because she is so in love (ahhhh, how sweet) and is jealous of the attention her other engaged friend is getting.
5. The single friend. Scantily clad and shameless. Especially since "marriage" has come up several times over the weekend in the group. Her friends think she is a slut.
Also, my favourite visual of walking the strip in Vegas is watching five-foot drunk girls carry around a three foot Margarita.
Hope everyone had a great Easter. While most choose to spend Easter with family, I spent mine in Vegas. Best. Easter. Ever.

The above is one of the few pictures from the weekend that are appropriate to post to the public as I may consider running for public office someday. This is a picture taken from the top of the Hoover Dam. For those of you who don't know, the Hoover Dam was built to control the flow of the Colorado River, which is the border between Arizona and Nevada. I was actually doing the Homer Simpson "Arizona, Nevada, Arizona, Nevada" dance before I got punched in the face.
Anyways, the Hoover Dam also acts as a bridge and cars drive on top of the dam. The road to get to the damn from both the Nevada and Arizona side is windy and narrow. With Vegas growing so much recently, they had to do something to deal with the increased traffic flow around the dam. The picture above is the progress of what will the fourth largest arch bridge in the world that spans over the canyon. I'm not sure what was more impressive, this bridge or the dam itself. Both are some great feats of engineering.
I won't go into much detail about the trip, because it truly was a "what happens in Vegas" type of weekend. However, I did make some interesting observations.
One night the group ran into a couple of stagettes (or "hen" parties as some of the Yanks call them) back to back. The similarities in the groups were quite striking. Here are some of the characters:
1. The bride to be. She justs wants to drink and dance, and good for her.
2. The married but hiding the ring friend who is looking for that "what happens in Vegas weekend".
3. The happily married friend who wants to let her hair down and dance a bit, but that's all.
4. You have the other engaged friend who doesn't even want to look at another male because she is so in love (ahhhh, how sweet) and is jealous of the attention her other engaged friend is getting.
5. The single friend. Scantily clad and shameless. Especially since "marriage" has come up several times over the weekend in the group. Her friends think she is a slut.
Also, my favourite visual of walking the strip in Vegas is watching five-foot drunk girls carry around a three foot Margarita.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Reality TV Shows
Hey everyone; light hearted entry today. I'm sure everyone has followed some kind of reality television in the last ten years when this TV trend started; be it Survivor, Big Brother, American Idol, Amazing Race, the Bachelorette, or the Hills. I've never been a big fan, and it seems the whole movement is running out of steam. Now if some of the following shows were developed, you may have a new audience member in your's truly.
1. An apprentice style show starring some of the disgraced CEO's that have been in the news in recent years. Rick Wagoner of GM, Jeffrey Skilling of Enron, Bernie Ebbers from Worldcom, John Thain of Merrill Lynch, and Maurice Greenberg of AIG. This reality show is a war of attrition, where these Ex-CEOs have to work at various entry level jobs for a week at a time. For instance, a cashier at Burger King or a Wal-Mart greeter. You also inform ex-employees of these CEO's where they are working to make a show out of it. The CEO who lasts the longest wins, and gets stock in Citigroup.
2. The "Sports Switch Challenge". Sports teams from two different sports play each other in a third sport. For example, the Boston Celtics play the New England Patriots in a game of hockey. Or, the New York Rangers play the New Jersey Nets in a game of football. To make things even more interesting, you throw in a sport that neither team knows much about. How about the Philadelphia Phillies against the Flyers in a Rugby or Cricket match. Winners get to play the same team in their own sport. For instance, if the Flyers beat the Phillies in Cricket, they get to play the Phillies at hockey.
3. The "Get out of Jail Free Card Game". Most of my married friends are familiar with the concept of the "Get out of Jail Free Card" where you have a short list of celebrities that you can sleep with, without impunity, if the chance ever came up. This game would put this concept to the test. Men and women have the opportunity to go out with a member of the list and the night can go as far as the celebrity lets it. The other spouse watches the whole time. If the jealousy is too much, then the couple must get a divorce and the jealous spouse gets screwed over royally. If I was a contestant on the show, you can bet that one of the girls on my list would be a porn star.
Thats all today.
1. An apprentice style show starring some of the disgraced CEO's that have been in the news in recent years. Rick Wagoner of GM, Jeffrey Skilling of Enron, Bernie Ebbers from Worldcom, John Thain of Merrill Lynch, and Maurice Greenberg of AIG. This reality show is a war of attrition, where these Ex-CEOs have to work at various entry level jobs for a week at a time. For instance, a cashier at Burger King or a Wal-Mart greeter. You also inform ex-employees of these CEO's where they are working to make a show out of it. The CEO who lasts the longest wins, and gets stock in Citigroup.
2. The "Sports Switch Challenge". Sports teams from two different sports play each other in a third sport. For example, the Boston Celtics play the New England Patriots in a game of hockey. Or, the New York Rangers play the New Jersey Nets in a game of football. To make things even more interesting, you throw in a sport that neither team knows much about. How about the Philadelphia Phillies against the Flyers in a Rugby or Cricket match. Winners get to play the same team in their own sport. For instance, if the Flyers beat the Phillies in Cricket, they get to play the Phillies at hockey.
3. The "Get out of Jail Free Card Game". Most of my married friends are familiar with the concept of the "Get out of Jail Free Card" where you have a short list of celebrities that you can sleep with, without impunity, if the chance ever came up. This game would put this concept to the test. Men and women have the opportunity to go out with a member of the list and the night can go as far as the celebrity lets it. The other spouse watches the whole time. If the jealousy is too much, then the couple must get a divorce and the jealous spouse gets screwed over royally. If I was a contestant on the show, you can bet that one of the girls on my list would be a porn star.
Thats all today.
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