Hope everyone had a great Easter. While most choose to spend Easter with family, I spent mine in Vegas. Best. Easter. Ever.

The above is one of the few pictures from the weekend that are appropriate to post to the public as I may consider running for public office someday. This is a picture taken from the top of the Hoover Dam. For those of you who don't know, the Hoover Dam was built to control the flow of the Colorado River, which is the border between Arizona and Nevada. I was actually doing the Homer Simpson "Arizona, Nevada, Arizona, Nevada" dance before I got punched in the face.
Anyways, the Hoover Dam also acts as a bridge and cars drive on top of the dam. The road to get to the damn from both the Nevada and Arizona side is windy and narrow. With Vegas growing so much recently, they had to do something to deal with the increased traffic flow around the dam. The picture above is the progress of what will the fourth largest arch bridge in the world that spans over the canyon. I'm not sure what was more impressive, this bridge or the dam itself. Both are some great feats of engineering.
I won't go into much detail about the trip, because it truly was a "what happens in Vegas" type of weekend. However, I did make some interesting observations.
One night the group ran into a couple of stagettes (or "hen" parties as some of the Yanks call them) back to back. The similarities in the groups were quite striking. Here are some of the characters:
1. The bride to be. She justs wants to drink and dance, and good for her.
2. The married but hiding the ring friend who is looking for that "what happens in Vegas weekend".
3. The happily married friend who wants to let her hair down and dance a bit, but that's all.
4. You have the other engaged friend who doesn't even want to look at another male because she is so in love (ahhhh, how sweet) and is jealous of the attention her other engaged friend is getting.
5. The single friend. Scantily clad and shameless. Especially since "marriage" has come up several times over the weekend in the group. Her friends think she is a slut.
Also, my favourite visual of walking the strip in Vegas is watching five-foot drunk girls carry around a three foot Margarita.
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